
salam kaba??hehe..wa..lama xupdate sjak cti sem ni...mcm2 keje wat..apekah keje2 tu?? makan..tido..tgk tv..jd surirumah..jd pekebun..eheh...n my mission utk cuti sem ni ialah utk dptkan lesen 'P'!!..well..dulu xsempat amek la masanye nak dptkan lesen...doa2kan la ea..hehe...
ok..nk cte..time cuti ni sbnrnye sy slalu duk baik je kan?? mmg duk umah pn...kdg2 je g taska mak...jaga budak2 kecik jap..huhu....mcm ni...cte ni dah bru ni la berkesempatan nak tulis dlm blog...

Saya balik ke jb pd ari khamis..kalo x silap la...mlm tido lewat gak..walopn pnat naik dah sedap tdo dlm bas..hehe...masa tu sy ngah gayut kat tepon...tgh sedap2 borak ngn kwn...tibe2 dgr bunyi sumeting dr luar....pda sngkaan sy...kucing ni ade bela kucing ingt diorg gaduh sy berfikir n brckp dlm ati....

"eh..bkn kucing dlm sngkar ke?? "

so sy trus bgtau kat mmber..nnt2 kite borak lg...n sy trus jenguk kat luar tingkap bilik....
alangkah terkejut gile sgt2..bile sy tgk je kat area bngsal blakang...ade sumeting bende yg agakbesar n pnjg.........ULAR SAWA!!!!! adui...ape nk wat ni??? ular tu lebih kurang lengan korgla..hehe...besar tau!...xpnah tgk ular besar kat area sni...ular tu keluar dr longkang tepi umah..sbb die bau kucing!!!..ular tu dah melingkar area sngkar kucing..yg bising2 td kucing melompat2 ketakutn!!..

adui...nk wat ape ni?? panik gile!..just tinggal mak ngn sy je...abg xde...g kl..ade keje jap...trus kaku sy! sy trus kejut mak..( mak dah tido dah siap2...).....mak tkjutle...dahle die ni smmgnye xbole dgn ular2 plak...ular sawa beso....trus tepon abg..abg suh call 999...kecemasan..xpnah2 la gak....bgtau semua ape yg ni keje pihak JPA...

smntara tunggu pihak JPA dtg....time ni dah pukul 1 lebih....1.30 pg perhatikanla ular tu...aisey!..dah melingkar kat area tepi bilik sy plak...cuak!!!! just tgk dr tingkap je le.....lgla cemas....!!...dlm 15 minit pastu..dtgla hero2 JPA..hhehe...pi tgk keadaan smua...
sy ngn mak xbrani le nk ke blakang...tgk dr jauh je...ular tu dah xde...die dah masuk smle dlm longkang..yela...frust xdpt mkn kucing tu gaknye!..mule2 diorg cm nk dpt
ular tu dah jauh ke dalam longkang.......wa....frust sgt2!!!!...xdpat tngkap!.. frustnye diriku ini.....bkn ape..kang ade plak die mrayap kat umah org len plak kan...bhaya tau! nk wat camana...xde rezki nk tgkap ular sawo tu....

erm....sedey thp gaban....takut2 gak kalo die kuar lg....tiap2 mlm duk jenguk2 kat tingkap..tgk...kalo2 die muncul alhmdulillah...smpai skrg die dah xmuncul...adui yai...!

cm gini la bntuk ular rasanye yg real tu besa sket lg...

so kwn2..berhati2la bile nmpk haiwan cmey ni ye..bahaya...jgn pndai2 nk tngkap..biar yg pakar lakukan....ok??? okeyle dats for now..insyaAllah will be update nnt yeah...

..::aku wanita biasa::.. vs ..:: separuh jiwaku pergi::..

salam...ape kaitan post kali ni?? adalah seorg yg gemar dgr lagu..xcya?? tnyela kwn2..huhu..sgt menghayati kdg2..over plak tu..sumetimes je k??haha....well kali sje2 nk post lirik lagu ni..nnt korg dgr la ea...tgh hot gak dua2 lagu ni..rsanye masing2 pnye lgu ni ditujukan utk masing2...well..diorg dulu dikatakan pasangan popular plak..but...apakan daya..diorg kata korg layan dulu lagu ni..n hayati?? jom!

Aku wanita biasa - Kris Dayanti

Aku ini wanita biasa
Bisa sakit luka karena cinta
Dingin sepi kerap menyapa
Air mata jatuh lukisan raga

Kadang ku kuat setegar karang
Kadang ku rapuh lemah liar merana

Maafkan aku bila hasratku keliru
Sulut gairah jiwamu
Ku yang dosakan cinta kekasih

Maafkan aku bila hasratku keliru
Sulut gairah jiwamu
Ku yang dosakan cinta kekasih hatiku

Kekasih hatiku maafkan aku
Aku wanita biasa

Dingin sepi kerap menyapa
Air mata jatuh lukisan raga

Kadang ku kuat setegar karang
Kadang ku rapuh lemah liar merana

Maafkan aku bila hasratku keliru
Sulut gairah jiwamu
Ku yang dosakan cinta kekasih

Maafkan aku bila hasratku keliru
Sulut gairah jiwamu
Ku yang dosakan cinta kekasih
Hatiku… maafkan aku..

Separuh Jiwaku Pergi -Anang

Memang indah semua
Tapi berakhir luka

Benar ku mencintaimu
Tapi tak begini
Kau khianati hati ini
Kau curangi aku

Kau bilang tak pernah bahagia
Selama dengan aku
Itu ucap bibirmu
Kau dustakan semua
Yang kita bina
Kau hancurkan semua

faderq : ha...dh dgr?? sy ske dua2 pnye lagu!...sgt touching..kdg2 perasaan xdapat digambarkan secara melalui lagu n liriknye..kite leh tau perasaan sbnr mereka dgn menghayati

.......♪♫..jln2 cari makan!!!•*¨*•.¸¸❤...

salam....mlm2 ni plak trasa nk update blog...setelah otak ketepuan ngn nota2 kimia n perkembangan biologi..otak sy pn dah berkembang nih!..hehe...esk 2 org housemate sy da stat exam....die org ckp sgt paper diorg mencabar..kesian kat diorg..sampai bergaduh2 cr jwpn pon join diorg stdy gak!..haha..nyibuk je....kami yg amek bio ni..esknye pule dah stat exam!...ciayok housemate2 ku....wani..lina..k.ecah n asz!!!!..

..berbalik pd tajuk blog kali ni..ha...cari mkn???oh yes!..haha..nk cite...pd 30hb oktober lepas...kami 3 dara...cik fad...cik lina & cik wani prgi menuju ke pekan n cri mkn!..hehe....nk mkn ape??? PIZZA!...well kat tg.malim dh maju sket...ade dah pizza hut ni!..jgn lupe...secret recipe juga ade!.. ingt nk g 1 time tu asz n k.ecah xbalik lg...minggu stdy dh ngidam...wanie plak udah smpai ade rezki kite kasi gegar itu
PIZZA HUT lg!!..huhu... setelah segala urusan dh diselesaikan kt kmpus...kami menuju ke pekan...wah...xsabar ni nk mkn pizza..terbayang sup kan!..haha...

berangan pizza....

kanak2 keriangan..haha...

fuyo..siap pkai tag lg...ketua rombongan kah??

after smpai pekan...trus cri itu pizza hut la kan...segan2 nk masuk...hehe...1st time maa..masuk pizza hut kat tg. malim tercinta ni...merasmikan ni..hehe...ingt nk duk xbukak je la kat area dtgla seorg jejaka yg boleh dikatakan gudlooking person...cewah2....die nk amek order ok??...mule2 ske gak tgk mamat ni...kami pn orderla...tekak cm nk mkn smua..cet...duit??ha..tau masa order kan..mamat ni cm masam je muke...antara nk lyn n x...aish...pntang aku...xske sgt org yg mcm ni...mksd aku..die keje hadapi kerenah pelanggan..jd die kne snyum..mcm ni ------> =)...ha..bru btul...lpas mamat tu amek order...ape lg...bergosipla kami!..muke ketat!....xelok..berkerut nnt..agaknye die ade prob kot aritu..xpela abg ye...huhu... makanan sampai!!!!

sup cendawan..nyum3...

breadstix...lupe nk order garlic faveret..

meatball spagheti kot name sedap!

last but not!!!

lupe...air pepsi..kang ad plak yg tercekik...

so ape lg???mknla!!!

amboi korg...sdap sgt smpai xingt aku kat sebelah!

lepas dh mkn....wa...sgt rasa epi...tertunai sblh ptgnye pule...

gi mana ni???la...cari mkn lg rupenye!

tp smpat singgah jap kat tempat menarik ni...cntik...kalo tensen2 ke...busan2 ke..dtg la kat sini..kat mana??? ha....tepi umah kami je..heheh..

al kisahnye...3 dara ni lebih kuang 2 ari xmkn nasi...tu yg nak nasi gak!..LAPO! berjln2
menuju ke...

~slamat dtg! order kak??~

air tembikai + nasi putih + tomyam ayam = fad!!

air sirap + nasi putih + paprik ayam = lina!!

nescafe ais (kot) + nasi goreng kmpung + telur mata = wanie!!

makan lg..!! kali ni lebih sedap..haha...sian..2 hr xmkn kan...ape yg sy heran....abg yg amek order ni pon muke ketat gak!...aik...taula spesies same...huhu...pelik kitorg...ari ketat muka sedunia kah??hehe...snyum kan sedekah?? pasni snym ye...=).... next!!!
ha...nk kat mghrib nk balik dah ni....

tp sblm tu...smpt lg la rumah kami...jemputla dtg..=P..

ni ape kes???ha...tu la..mak pesan..xnk dgr..kan dh kna sumpah jd kotak!..huhu

tu je nk cite kali ni..huhu...nextweeknye dh nk ciayok!..=)..all da bomb my fwends...
mga ditenangkan ati n diberkati Allah....aaammmiiinnnn...

.......♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸❤... ni hr sbtu..

....xtau nk ape....jap lg nk pi pasar malam..nk ikut???? lapa!..

...stok makanan pn dah xde...kui3...

..lg2 plak time nk exam ni....

....sblm exam ni..marila melayan muvie2 yg ade...

...smlm tgk cte 17 again....best2..

..zack efron cmey!..huhu...apetah lg die kna blakon jd teenager tp actually die dah berkahwin....beristeri n anak 2... MIKE O' DONELL..yekot cmni ejaan die..masa die dah kawen...matthew perry yg berlakon pule..

...cte die gni....mike tu nk dah cerai ngn istri die sbb perselisihan faham...die knal istri die since high 1 ari..mike ni ade trjumpe dgn sorg tukang bersih2 kat skolah lama die..skrg ni skola anak die....dulu die sorg yg hebat...popular..pemain bola krnjg utama...tibe2 je tukang bersih td ilang lepas puji2 mike td..... die mcm nk rasa hebat mcm dulu la....den pd mlm tu..die jumpe lg tukang bersih tu tepi jambatan..mcm nk bunuh die pelik..die kuarla..nk selamatkan...tibe2 ilang lg..die plak yg terjatuh kat laut tepi jmbtan td..tup..esk pg...

..esk pg....die bgn2 tgk kat cermin...die berubah jd cm die umur 17 dulu!!..PELIK kan?? die sndiri xtau ape yg la peluang yg die akan gnekan utk perbaiki idup camana die nk wat??

ha...korg tgk la sndiri nnt yek!...kang cte xsyok sy ske!...huhu...

sdih..klakar...smua ade..!...huhu

slamat menonton 17 AGAIN!!!


td tgn ni pi gatai2 nk cr layout bru...dpt dah yg ni...skali tryla..tup2 lain plak jadinye...dah xsekata tulisannye...try ubah..cmtu je ea kesilapan teknikal ni...


thnks 4 ur support & cooperation!...=P

...the big day of microbe project!....♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸❤

salam..hye2..hhuhu..well..tgk tajuk pn dah tau ape nk cte kan2..=)..

so...lets move on!..

21hb oktober....kol 3 ptg...bertempat di DKI upsi...bermulalah....
mini projek presentation mikrob....

pengerusi majlis...CCC..ape tu?? Chee Chang Choi..hehe...die merupakan pengerusi majlis presentation ni....panel2?? well..of course our lovely lecturer..DR.SHAKINAZ DESA..n special a panel too...CIK HAMIDAH IDRIS...our tutor time lab session...

ha...dr. ckp...ade reward tau...reward utk BEST PRESENTER...BEST PRESENTATION n BEST PROJECT..!..adiah besa woo...siap balut kaler pink 11 group smuanye...smua prjek pn hebat2 ha tajuk2 mereka..:

1) Comparing the effects of commercial soaps on bacteria
2) The effectof different types of tea on oral bacteria
3) The amount of bacteria in different yogurt..(..nyum2..yogurt yg sdp..bkn bacteria tu..)
4) Which laundry powder is best to prevent the growth of bacteria?
5) Natural filter
6) The effectiveness of facial foam on acne.....-------->
my grup!..
7) Bacteria and toothpaste
8) Which soap is best to prevent growth of bacteria
9) Disinfectant VS Bacteria
10) The most effectiveness cleaner to eliminate bacteria on the toilet bowl
11) Effectiveness of homemade deodorant

well2....kalo korg tgkla kan...mostly ape pkataan yg ade dlm tajuk2 ni...??jumpe x...
BACTERIA! la tujuan projek nya...yg kami wat ni..kami trus rekemen ape2 brg2 yg diuji td tu..yg mana the pasni gne yg terbaik ok??

setelah 4 grup present...rehat jap...wa...xsngka..ade minum ptg..karipap+sandwich+teh (kot..lupe..)..sedap2...smbil2 menikmati mknan...dgr gak present kwn2...

seterusnye...grup sy...go go ACNE dh ctekan kan ape projek kami sblm la yg kami rekemen kan.....

flyers for ya!

hehe..tu la kami...acne fighters!

after presentation2 smua........tibela masanye acara yg dinanti2kan..sapekah yg berjaya menggondol adiah besar2 kaler pink itu?? sapekah? grup manakah??
and the results....ASYRAF presenter!..yeah..dah agak dah mamat ni..apetah lg die voice over mamat bangla dlm iklan harpic tu...heheeh.. best presentation?? GROUP 4! and last but not project goes to....GROUP 5!!!... mana grup 6??
huhu..bkan rezki kami..ape2 pn...syukur sbb smuanye dah berjaya n really done great job! sgt2 ske ngn cooperation grup...ape yg penting?? KERJASAMA!!!

alang2 dah kumpul satu batch ni..bkn sng nk jumpe 1 klas sem ni......ape lg....

amek gmbr...memori!..hehe...ala...dr. ngn cik midah dah balik..
cepat ni la dak2 biology sem 5 (09/10)....happening!

sgt2 epi....really enjoy..ha...pasni exam kwn2 smua...wish u all da bomb!...hehe...wat elok2 exam..n doakan semuanye berjaya..amiinn...

new project!

salam...hye korg..lama xupdte b
log..xtau nk cte ape..n quite bz with esemen yg xabis2 smpai minggu last kuliah...kali ni mmg mcm shakinaz,(..our lovely microb lectrer..) suh kitorg wat project about my grup..introducing..fadliana nazirah mohd mustapa ( me..=)...nor hafiza abd. rahim (aa)...azila mohamed (zila)..rasanye mcm 2 nama die..huhu...noor asmalina mazlan..nadiah othman and satu2nye teruna dlm grup xin han..

my grup (tudung itam)..nad ( pink)..asz (ungu) n zila( belang2).. han xde...bru nk tunjuk kat korg jejaka han ade hal..

so...pikir pnye pikir...dah mcm2 pnye projek yg dipikirkan...last2 we decide nk wat tntg bakteria jerawat..which is called Propionibacterium or name glamernye
P.acnes....hehe.. JERAWAT???? yes!....kan ramai duk bmbang sal jerawat...yele...kalo ade jerawat dah mule cm bad mud...sbb jerawatla yg wat muke kite kureng cntik kami decide n wat projek ni sbb pasni..leh recomment kat member2 which produk yg bgs utk reducekan jerawat o..acnes... just the same..rite??

So.. camana grup kami wat???

1 )Firstly...masuk dlm lab khas ni....kite kna dapatkan jerawat dulu...heeheheh...sapakah mangsanye???jeng2...enggak bole dibilang sih...identiti dirahsiakan..malu kang mangsa2 tu...anyway...syukur sgt2 sbb mereka snggup mndermakan jerawat mereka..weh..mahal tu.... ha...yg paling utama nk menjalankan projek ini ialah......STEARILE!!!...very2 penting wwwoo...kalo x..ade kang mcm2 bakteria masuk skali...bile dah msuk lab mikrob ni...diam tau!......nnt bakteria dlm mulut plak bekerjasama dgn bakteria!

asz! nad!...stearile cpt!

2) pas dah amek jerawat tu...kitorg kna ternak bakteria tu dlm medium agar...die mcm agar2 yg kite ske mkn yg ni tok ternak bakteria ye..nk dapatkan koloni utk proses seterusnya..

3) pas dah siap2 amek bakteria jrwt td tu...kite amek cotton bud yg telah di autoclave oleh lab assistant..en faizi...kmudian..kite spukan kat seluruh medium agar yg ade dlm petri dish.....cpt2 tutup...pastu nnt kite sealkan petri dish tu gne parafilm...mcm selotep gak le..then...masukkan ke dalam oven selama 2 hari...pastu smbung..jgn biar gtu je..

ni la yg gne cotton bud td....

balut..jgn xbalut...

4) ...setelah 2 la hasilnye!!!!!...menjadi!!!!

bakteria jerawat yg berjaya diternak!

5) next....kite akan uji keberkesanan facial foam thdap jerawat ni...cara2 nye ialah...isikan bakteria td dlm 8 jenis petri dish ade agar tu.. dlm 8 yg berbeza...

tgk 2..bnyk kan agar yg kaler kuning tu.....ape lg asz......abiskan!..hehe....

.....bersahabat baikla dgn penunu bunsen ni masa wat projek mikrob....
ia akan menghalang anda dr terdedah dgn bakteria...................

lepas bakar....sejukkan dulu kat tepi2 agar..pastu bru amek bakteria td...

nape 8??nombor ong ka???hehe.... sbb ade 8 facial ha...

calon2 nye ialah...Garnier Pure A, Garnier Light, Oxy, Clean & Clear, Eversoft, Uber Man, T3,
n yg dlm bikar cmey tu ialah ketulan sabun Tia!

pastu...amek kertas turas...tebuk ngn puncher..kan dah kecik2 kan ktas tu...pastu ktas kecik td tu sapukan dgn facial foam ni smua...1 ktas...1 facial foam....pastu masukkan ke dlm setiap petri dish yg ade bakteria td...phm murid2???pndai.....

6) seterusnye...kite biarkan semalaman dlm oven yg indah....mau tau hasilnya??? jap ye....tngk bwh!

OXY memenangi pertandingan ini..!..lihatla..betapa bersihnya bakteria dlm tu...
mcm xde je kan2???

yg kedua..T3 n yg ketiga Clean & Clear..wah..suke..sbb sy gne C&C ni..hehe...yg last?? erm.. garnier pure A....

sket je kwsn yg bersih...kan2??

so....keputusannye ialah..OXY!...Tp kan...dgr2 kisah org kan...diorg ckp..oxy ni jadikan muka diorg lg teruk..merah2?? yeke?? sy pn xsure..better tnye org yg dah pnah gne...kalo tkut nk gne..pakaila T3...mcm bgs..sbb stakat ni xde plak dgr cte mcm oxy td..ok???

7) Seterusnya ialah merwarnakan bakteria tu....Gram Staining namanye...bakteria td tu..diamek...kmdian dicampur ngn setitik air suling...

pastu..kte kalerkan die ngn crystal violet..safranin...ape lg ntah...kalo korg kurg phm tntg ape yg sy ckpkan ni...try cr info kat tenet tntg gram staining ok?? lupe dh procedure die..pdahal sket je..heheh

nak gak msukkan pic...lihatla..betapa bnyk solution yg digunekan..jgn lpe..
..bshabat baik ngn penunu bunsen!

so...finally..projek ni dah siap!..Alhmdulillah...syukur.....rabu ni..ade presentation tntg projek ni...smua projek kwn2 hebat2 gak....faten ( leader klas mikrob) ckp...nnt dr.shakinaz nk bg reward kat presenter terbaik...presentation terbaik n juga project terbaik!..mga2 dptla kan..amin..

ok guys...tu je la wat masa ni...kalo ade projek2 terbaru..insyaAllah sy update..=)...

n satu lg..

dah nak

xready lg..wa...doakan yg terbaik utk sy n kwn2 smua...amin.....see ya...salam..=P...

sumeting spesel.......

dah nak raye!

salam..hye guys..!

lama rasanye xtulis kat sni...huhu...just promote perfume je..skrg plak dh ade mini pnye..

ha..diam xdiam..dah 23 ramadhan dah kan....nk dkt sminggu lagi umat Islam menyambut Syawal yg mulia...xsabo rasanye....dum3...bunyi mercun..cewah...bhaya men mercun..kang ilang jari la..apela..sshkan diri sndri je watpe..kan3...t'ingt time dulu...rajin bebeno wat kuih rya sndiri..beli tepung instant pastu masukkan telur..mentega..ape2 yg patut..bakar..n jadikla kuih instant..instant2 pn..spupu dulu ske tau..hahah....skrg xserajin dulu...kuih tunjuk sudah!..heheh...mcm2 bentuk..rasa..kaler pn my faveret ialah almond london n tart nenas...pergh...sedddaaapppnnyyaaaaa.....siap ade skali tu...g umah sedara kat pengerang time raye...abis 1 balang kuih almond london die..haha...siap refill lg tu...nk wat sndri..xpandai...pnah beli je le..kui3...time dulu mmg bestla..wat kuih tu..kuih yg xsnggupnye tunggu kuih tu siap bakar...ngantuk!...bile abg n akak ade..diorg yg jaga n sy ape lagi....pengsanla!..haha...g bilik n titon...

aritu g masjid jamek ngan pae (my sista)...duk pulun ronda2 msjid jamek tu...letih mmg letih time ni je la nk jln2 ngn die...sbb die kje n sy blaja..sorg kat kj...sorg kat tm...huhu...ingt nk cari tudung...skali lupe da kaler bju raya..huhu...dok test tudung je la..xbli xpe..yg penting test!..hahah...dapatla gak beli brooch..aish...smua lawa2...naik juling mata nsib baikla xsampai thp tu lagi..hek2..

ok guys...just sje nk kongsi cerita ni...rindu dulu2....raye skrg xmcm dulu..walopn dah kehilangan ayah family masih ade..kwn2...smua ni bg inspirasi utk sy teruskan perjuangan idup...amin...


wanna get some??

salam...hye guys! sy tlg kwn sy promotekan sumething ni...ONE DROP PERFUME ni... kpd sape2 yg berminat silela bgtau saye melalui emel ni kalo yg biase pnye..die jual rm37 sekotak...kalo celebrity pulak rm40...ade 8 jenis botol yg baunye lain2..murah2!...=)..kalo berminat..harga bole runding...
xpon..korg leh tgk setiap jenis kotak one drop perfumes ni kat sini.....

kalo korg nk tau..actually jimat gak pakai one drop perfume ni..bkn ape..sebotol org jual rm5..kalo de 8 mknenye akan jd rm 40 kan? ha yg ni jual rm 37...pikir2 kan la ye....harga leh thn pastu ade 8 jenis bau yg len2..pilihla yg mana pn pakai gak! prefer set 1 kalo xsilap..kaler ijau...wangi2...paling sy ske ialah inspired by Apple Blossom, Body Shop..nk beli yg real xmampu..jadinye sy pilih One Drop Perfume ni..hehe..cubela pakai kwn2... bebaloi-baloi..!..hehe..


Antara cinta dan persahabatan.....mana yg anda rasa lebih penting??? Kedua2nye smemangnya penting bagi setiap insan yang bergelar manusia namun masing2 mempunyai keistimewaannya..CINTA??hm...cinta ini subjektif...tidak smestinye hanya kpd insan teristimewa spt makwe o pkwe cinta yang paling utama ialah cinta kpd la yg spatutnye ade pada diri kite kan?? tgk je la perihal remaja2 skrg..bukan stakat remaja je..kebanyakan dr kta dah idup dgn cara org barat...bahaya mcm tu kan...ape2 pn..pengaruh dr luar smmgnye menjadi ujian besar kpd kite...jihad melawan nafsu..=)...tu yg pnting...cinta juga bkn sje sesama juga sesama makhluk Allah...bkn sesama homosapiens je tau...cwah..istilah biologi ni..heheh..(homosapiens = spesies manusia)...cinta pada haiwan dan tumbuhan juga penting....pd pndgn sya la kan..kite kna mengasihi makhluk Allah...sbb kite juga mkhluk Allah..kalo org yg sukakan pda tumbuhan ni...mereka dianggap naturalis...suke tgk pada keadaan pokok tu...persekitaran pn tergolong dlm golongan ni...tmbah2 pulak bile sy amek paper pasal plant morphology and histology...n juga plant evolution...bnda2 ni kite dpt tgk melalui ciri2 pokok tu..ha..tu yg wat sy ske tgk pokok2 ni...lg satu...tgk benda2 hijau kan dpt menyegarkan mata!...tu yg penting bg mereka yg bercermin mata ye...=P...

ni kucing die dah xde...die sakit tu...die cmey nk wat camana..dah smpai ajal...

Pastu...kedua ibu bapa kita..ha ni sgt2 penting dlm hidup..kalo xde kberkatan dr mereka...ssh idup kite tau...jgn kasar2 ngn mereka ye...Tuan Hj.Mohd Mustapa bin Abdul Karim n Puan Hjh Kalsum yg disyg...merekalah yg mengajar sy tntg resam kehidup
an ni...terutamanye ayah agak rapat ngn ayah..dr kecik..tu sbb kdg2 kna buli ngn kakak n abg..hehe...besela..mereka rapat ngn mak..jd phm2 le kan..huhuu...ape2 pn sy akan rujuk pada mereka..namun pd 17 Jun 2008, ayah sy pergi menghadap Illahi...ayah ade sakit...buah pinggang ngn jantung...ade 3 salur tersumbat...tiap2 minggu, ayah pergi hospital wat dialisis...cuci darah...nmpk je die sbnrnye die sakit...die xmau sshkan org lain..itula ayah sy...shari sblm ayah meninggal...ayah dah xleh nk wat dialisis mcm bese...yg bese org cucuk kat lengan tu...dh makin teruk...jd dktr terpaksa wat operation sket...tebuk lubang kat leher...jd nnt cuci darah ikut situ...teringat ayah ckp...kalo dah kna tbuk kat leher tu...dah teruk sgt dah Allah nk sngkan perjalanan ayah...xnak tgk ayah derita....skali tu ajelah yg ayah kna, mak n abg ade temankan ayah...xsdap ati kalo tau je la bg mereka yg xske sshkan org ni...ayah yg suh kitorg balik...die ckp die okey aje...nurse2 yg cmey2 ade temankan die..hehe...smpat lg bergurau ngah sakit2 tu...pas dah wat dialisis tu...ayh nmpk lemah sgt2...mcm bkan ayah yg slama ni sy tgk...die ade gak mcm merapu sket...masa tu nurse nk tlg die bgn..die ckp...

ayah : aku nk g dpn sane..

nurse : pkcik nk g dpn sane? nk watpe?

trus ayah jwb..

ayah : nk terjun...

kami smua duk pelik ayah dlm masa yg sme tergelak gak...tbe2 nk terjun mne plak ayah ni..
nurse tu pn duk layan die...tbe satu msa..

ayah : eh dahla...jgn lyn aku..ntah ape aku ngarut dah ni..(pstu gelak2 mcm malu dah..)

hehe...ayh tau gak die dah mle melalut...tnda2 nk pergi gaknye...

Kuasa Allah...esknye ayah meninggal dlm tidur....mak n kakak ngn abg ade kat rumah...ingt nk tukar shift jaga ayahla kan...tbe2 dlm kol 5 lebih....dpt msg dr akak..

Pae : dik..bgn...
Sye : awat cpt sgt kejut ni...(ngn muke yg bru bgn tido...letih...)

pae : dik, cptla dtg hospital...ayah cm xbg respon aje ni..

sye : (trus terbgn....)...biar betul pae..?

pae : iye..doktor dh dtg ni...dr td ayah xbg respon...
trus sy kejutkan abg..suh cpt2 siap....pas slt...kami grak g Hospital..masa tu sy tgk rmai nurse kat tmpt ayah..siap tutup tirai...tgk mak n akak dah cm terkejut...xde respon...mmg mcm dlm cite2 yg kite tgk...doktor sahkan ayah meninggal....meninggalkan kami smua.....ayah meninggal dlm tido....smpai akhir hyat die pn die xnak sshkan sape2 kan...yg paling menyedihkan sy..tiap kali hari jadi sy lps ni..trus ingt peristiwa ni...bdaya sy 19 hb jun...2 hr lepas ayah dlm ati kata..."bday aku kali ni cm xbest je"...btul naluri sy...ape2 pn sy redha ayah pergi..xsnggup tgk ayah derita...tmbhan blaja jauh...kat Perak..paling jauh dr adik bradik lain..mga ayah ditempatkan brsama golongan yg beriman n beramal soleh...mga rohnya dicucuri rahmatNya..amminn..

Seterusnya..kwn2!....kalo xde kwn2..snyi idup..kwn yg sejati adalah apabila mereka sama2 dgn kite..xkire sng o ssh..alhmdlillah sy pnye kwn2 yg mcm tu..kwn bek saya...Amirul...dak2 umah sy yg besh!...hehe...KKB...smuala...yg pnting..kite jgn trlalu memilih utk berkwn..bak kata org..."BERKAWAN BIAR BERIBU...BERCINTA BIAR SATU..."..bkn bencinta mcm lgu faizal tahir ye..huhu...ssh sng kite tempuhi bersama...bkn tinggalkan begitu mereka yg knal sy..mereka tentu phm ayat ni...lpas ayah meninggal, dtg pula satu lg peristiwa yg wat sy terluka...agak skrg alhmdlillah...kerana cinta..kwn diketepikan...bese dgr kan??bg mereka yg dah alami..tntu phm sgt2...tibe2 je kwn bek sy yg dlu snyap tnpa khabar ni tertnya2 la..sihat ke x...ape yg die wat skrg...blaja je dah keje..wah..bnyk tol persoalan yg ade dlm pale bile 1 hr mmbranikan diri msg fon die tukar dah...hmmm...msg sy sprti xdiundg..die mcm xbrape gmar sy msg...katanye takut dibenci oleh insan trsyg...aish...nasib bile org dh ckp mcm pn pndai2 la uruskan diri....krana cinta....kwn bek xpela...mungkin Allah nk bg petunjuk pd sy...n ade hikmah disebaliknya..walopn agak perit utk diterima...sbb kdg2 terpikir tntg msa2 epi kami brkwn..napela leh jd gini..tu yg rasa terkilan sy berdoa agar die dpt cpai cite2nye...doakan die bhagia..amin...

Ramai yg bg respon tntg hal mampu snyum aje..=)...mmg itu yg die mintak..xkan kite xphm2 lg kot?....hal2 mcm ni wat sy berfikiran lebih matang...blaja dr kesilapan n pengalaman...salah satu prinsip dlm idup xkan buang kwn2 sy...sekiranye die contct sy smle..insyaAllah sy msih brkwn ngn die...utk ape kite bermusuh2an kan??xde gunenye..utk ape kite putuskan persahabatan? wat dosa aje adela...biarla mereka dgn idup mereka...begitu juga dgn kite...hadapi dgn snyuman..hehe....lgpn..ramai lg yg sygkan sy...n sy pon sygkan mereka...kan2..

bg mereka yg sy xsertakan gmbr dlm blog ni...jgn terasa..anda smua ttp mnjadi org2 ksyg sy tau....


Does the grade of an egg determines the protein content in it?

Based on our experiment that we have done, we can determine protein concentrations by using Biuret, absorbance at 540nm and Lowry assay which the absorbance at 750nm. We use spectrophotometer to determine the absorbance of the protein. Below are the result for the reading of different gelatin concentration.



Lowry assay

Table 3 : The absorbance of light at 750nm for different gelatin concentration

Based on the results, the suitable method of determining protein is by using Biuret assay. This is because the readings that we gain from the results is more accurate than using the Lowry assay. This method is the most linear because its color depends on a direct complex between the peptide bonds of the protein and Cu(2+) ion. It is not highly sensitive since the complex does not have a high extinction coefficient. The Lowry method relies on two different reactions.

This method is dependent on the presence of aromatic amino acids in the protein. First, a cupric/peptide bond complex is formed and then this is enhanced by a phosphomolybodate complex with the aromatic amino acids. Overall, about 10 to 50 times more sensitive than the Biuret method. The Folin Standard Curve is usually not perfectly linear, in the experiment, they are usually quite linear if the assay is properly done. Many substances interfere with the Folin assay for protein. The first reaction is the formation of a copper ion complex with amide bonds, forming reduced copper in alkaline solutions. This is called a Biuret chromophore and is commonly stabilized by the addition of tartrate .

The second reaction is reduction of the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (phosphomolybdate and phosphotungstate), primarily by the reduced copper-amide bond complex as well as by tyrosine and tryptophan residues. The reduced Folin-Ciocalteu reagent is blue and thus detectable with a spectrophotometer in the range of 500 to 750 nm. The Biuret reaction itself is not very sensitive. Using he Folin-Ciocalteu reagent to detect reduced copper makes the Lowry assay nearly 100 times more sensitive than the Biuret reaction alone. Several useful modifications of the original Lowry assay have been developed to increase the dynamic range of the assay over a wider protein concentration ), to make the assay less sensitive to interference by detergents ( and to first precipitate the proteins to remove interfering contaminants.

The Lowry assay is relatively sensitive, but requires more time than other assays and is susceptible to many interfering compounds. The following substances are known to interfere with the Lowry assay: detergents, carbohydrates, glycerol, Tricine, EDTA, Tris, potassium compounds, sulfhydryl compounds, disulfide compounds, most phenols, uric acid, guanine, xanthine,magnesium, and calcium. Many of these interfering substances are commonly used in buffers for preparing proteins or in cell extracts. This is one of the major limitations of the assay.

Below are the results for the absorbance of different grades of the egg.

Table 2 : The absorbance of different grade of egg.

Grade does determine the protein content in eggs. The grade is determined by the interior quality of the egg and condition of the egg shells. After eggs are laid, gathered and washed, they get graded and sized before they're packed into cartons. The grade is decided by checking both the outside and the inside of the egg. On the outside, the checker looks to see if the shell is clean and unbroken and has a normal shape and texture - without bumps, ridges, thin spots or rough areas. The shell color doesn't matter.

On the inside, the checker looks to see if the white is firm, thick and clear. The checker also looks to see if the yolk is the right size and shape and has no blemishes. Through the shell, the checker can see the size of the air cell, too. The smaller the air cell, the higher the grade. Eggs are graded AA, A and B. AA is the highest just like an A+ is the highest school grade.

The next step in grading is examination of the interior of the egg. This is done by candling or by the breakout method using the Haugh unit system to evaluate the albumen, yolk and air cell.Albumen is judged on the basis of clarity and firmness or thickness. A clear albumen is free from discolorations or from any floating foreign bodies. When an egg is rotated over the candling light, its yolk swings toward the shell. The distinctness of the yolk outline depends on how close to the shell the yolk moves, which is influenced by the thickness of the surrounding albumen. Thick albumen permits limited yolk movement while thin albumen permits greater movement – the less movement, the thicker the white and the higher the grade.

Factors determining yolk quality are distinctness of outline, size and shape and absence of such defects as blemishes or mottling, germ development or blood spots.Higher-grade eggs have shallower air cells. In Grade-AA eggs, the air cell may not exceed 1/8 inch in depth and is about the size of a dime. Grade-A eggs may have air cells over 3/16 inch in depth. There is no limit on air cell size for Grade-B eggs. While air-cell size is considered in grading and eggs take in air as they age, the size of the air cell does not necessarily relate to freshness because size varies from the moment contraction occurs after laying..

Application of protein : Making a protein glue.

A glue can be made from milk by souring it using vinegar (an acid) which separates it into curds and whey. The curds can be neutralised by various bases to produce a variety of different glues. The glue can be tested for strength by sticking together two lolly sticks and attaching weights to them.

Skimmed milk tends to give the best glues. The glue consists of particles of the protein casein that are precipitated from the milk by the adding the acid. It is the polymerisation of these protein molecules that forms the glue. The fat in the milk can get in the way of these polymer chains which is lubricating them like oil does in a bicycle chain and preventing them from sticking together as effectively. Casein is the predominant protein found in fresh milk and cheese. In milk it exists in the form of a soluble calcium salt.

In its acidic form, casein is precipitated by acids such as ethanoic acid (the predominant acid in vinegar). In this experiment, calcium ethanoate is a by-product of the initial souring process, and it is one of the components of the whey solution. The insoluble casein which forms the curds has relatively little secondary or tertiary structure. This means it cannot change its structure. It is relatively hydrophobic, and this is why it is fairly insoluble in water.

In addition to being consumed in milk, casein is used to manufacture adhesives, binders, protective coatings, plastics (such as for knife handles and knitting needles), fabrics, food additives, and many other products. It is commonly used by bodybuilders as a slow-digesting source of amino acids.